Support Article
Date Picker is not displaying properly in the Enduser screen
User is facing an issue with Date Control, where the UI display of the date control is displayed as squeezed.
Error Messages
Not Applicable.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create a Portal with a Harness.
2. Include a screen layout in the harness.
3. In the Screen Layout, configure tabbed layout with a embedded section and Dynamic Container(DC).
4. In the section, include a link for menu, such that the section opens in the DC.
This section which opens in DC should have a datetime control
Root Cause
User was having the 'Size To Content' checkbox checked. This was resizing the center panel content.
Perform the following local-change:
Uncheck the checkbox "Size to Content" for the Dynamic container used in the screen layout.
For reference:
This checkbox's functionality is to do a JS based resize of center panel content.
Also it has the capability to include any sections or layouts above or below DC.
Also DC can be included at any level of center panel section.
Published April 12, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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