Support Article
SSL is not working with IAC (prgateway)
When user tries to use Internet Application Composer (IAC) (prgateway) the SSL certificates are not loading and system exceptions occurs.
Error Messages
14:16:51,554 SEVERE [com.pega.pegarules.gateway] (http-webapp0001vn.metest.local/12.345.678.90:8080-1) Exception in getting certificates from https://<server-name>:8444/prweb/PRServlet null
14:16:51,554 STDERR [stderr] (http-webapp0001vn.metest.local/12.345.678.90:8080-1) java.lang.NullPointerException
14:16:51,554 STDERR [stderr] (http-webapp0001vn.metest.local/12.345.678.90:8080-1) at com.pega.pegarules.gateway.util.PRGatewayClientCertificateManager.getCertificatesInHierarchy(
14:16:51,570 STDERR [stderr] (http-webapp0001vn.metest.local/12.345.678.90:8080-1) at
Steps to Reproduce
1. In JBoss EAP 6.4 update the standalone-full.xml to add subsystem web connector for SSL.
2. In JBoss EAP 6.4 update the standalone.conf.bat file to provide the keystore file and trust store files to the SSL java properties.
3. Start the JBoss EAP 6.4.
4. Deploy the prgateway in the web node.
5. Configure the host in IAC.
6. Click on Test connection.
Root Cause
This issue was determined to be a product enhancement request.
Deploy the PRPC 6.3 SP1 IAC used with a IAC version 7 (Web Mashup) pegainternetapplicationcomposer.js.
Published May 21, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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