Support Article
Error occurs when Join and Sub-Report use unoptimized property
A report definition uses a join condition that make reference of an unoptimized property. At runtime this report definition throws the following exception :- One of the join conditions involving the following unoptimized property is not allowed, since it can severely degrade performance: <TheProperty>. Revise the join conditions or optimize the property.
The same report also has a sub report. The sub report refer an unoptimized property
User faced the following issue with report definition at runtime :
Invalid subreport join/filter condition: The properties referenced in a subreport join/filter condition must either be all optimized, or all unoptimized
Error Messages
Error message #1:- One of the join conditions involving the following unoptimized property is not allowed, since it can severely degrade performance: <TheProperty>. Revise the join conditions or optimize the property.
Error message #2:-
Invalid subreport join/filter condition: The properties referenced in a subreport join/filter condition must either be all optimized, or all unoptimized
Steps to Reproduce
In a report definition, use a join condition on an unoptimized property.
Root Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code that does not honour the prconfig/reporting/usestreaminjoinconditions/default Dynamic System Setting defined in Pega-Engine, which is required to supress the error of the first (join condition) problem. This code defect led to the second (sub-report) issue.
For The first problem :-
Apply the following local change :-
Create a Dynamic System Setting Pega-Engine prconfig/reporting/usestreaminjoinconditions/default
For the second problem :-
Apply HFix-28041 to resolve the sub-report related issue.
Published June 26, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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