Support Article
Checkbox ReadOnly value shown as False when property is null
The checkbox ReadOnly value is shown at runtime even when property is null.
That is, at runtime, even though the check box property value is blank in clipboard , application still shows false value.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1) Create a Property with check box UI control.
2) Create a section which has a repeat grid and add two properties: pyID and checkbox property.
3) Create a report definition with two columns 1) pyID 2) Checkbox property as source for the repeat grid.
4) Create a flow with only one flowaction which has the above section.
5) As soon as the flow is run the value for the check box is shown as False in the repeat grid thought in clipboard the value is null.

Root Cause
It is an expected behavior
This is an expected behaviour when you want to show readonly type as True/False. User is suggested to have a visibility condition as "if not blank"

Published September 8, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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