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Support Article

MessageLabel set for Client validation changes post Ref-Harness



MessageLabel value that appears for mandatory Client side Validation switches from "Value cannot be blank" to "Value can not be blank" after Harness refresh. If locale settings are changed to ja_JP (or other language), then Mandatory validation message is displayed in English after Harness refresh.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

1) Operator Locale settings can be "ja_JP"
2) Create a Data WO by Launching a Harness from Menu item.
3) Configure Mandatory text fields in section rule (by checking Required checkbox) that is embedded in the Harness.
4) Configure a button with Event Refresh-Harness.
5) Tab-Out of the mandatory fields and notice the client-side Validation error message(s) that gets displayed (pyMessageLablel: Value cannot be blank).
6) Click on the Button.
7_)Now, once again perform Tab-Out on the mandatory fields and notice the client-side Validation error message(s) that gets displayed is different ((pyMessageLablel: Value cannot be blank).

Root Cause

The root cause of the issue is due to inconsistent identifier created for pyMessageLabel : "Value can not be blank" instead of pyMessageLabel: "Value cannot be blank" and @baseclass in not been referenced due to that empty pyworkpage is been created.


Apply HFix-29240.

Description of changes :  M
ade changes to CSValid Html fragment, to pick the localized value instead referencing the identifier value.


Published October 20, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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