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Support Article

Attaching note or file displays Status Good message on wrap up



When trying to wrap up an Interaction, a Status Good message is displayed instead of the wrap up section. The issue occurs when trying to wrap up an Interaction after attaching a note or file to a different Interaction.

Error Messages

Status Good
The Operation completed successfully, but returned no content

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the CSR portal and create a new Interaction.
  2. Open a recent Interaction from the Recent Interactions and choose Open Service Items on the member tab.
  3. In the new window click on the paperclip icon (middle icon on right side).
  4. Under attachments select the New dropdown and choose note.
  5. Enter info for subject, note and category. Then click OK.
  6. Close out of the two pop up windows.
  7. Double click wrap up on the original Interaction.

Root Cause

A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules.

With HFix-4554 installed, the newAssignPage is inadvertently removed from the primary Interaction. The second Interaction should be opened on a new thread.


For base CPM, apply HFix-29561. If using CPM HC, contact Pega Support for the local change code from SE-29809.


Published October 21, 2016 - Updated December 2, 2021

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