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Support Article

scheduler.JobExecutionException: Activity execution failed



On configuring an external database connection (using JDBC URL) from Pega Designer Studio, without modifying the Application server, a suitable driver is not found and the Connection fails.

Error Messages


 Error from PegaRules at Application startup:

[CHEDULER_THREAD_POOL] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (JobScheduler) ERROR - Exception in executing Job[pyPersistNodeState] com.pega.platform.executor.jobscheduler.scheduler.JobExecutionException: Activity execution failed with [User marked activity execution to failed with message [ Problem encountered when getting connection for database tetdb: code: 0 SQLState: 08001 Message: No suitable driver found for sqlserver://;instance=ZZZ;DataBaseName=YYYYYYYY]] at com.pega.platform.executor.jobscheduler.internal.JobSchedulerProcessor.execute( ~[pega-executor.jar:?] ... Caused by: com.pega.platform.executor.jobscheduler.scheduler.JobExecutionException: User marked activity execution to failed with message [ Problem encountered when getting connection for database tetdb: code: 0 SQLState: 08001 Message:

No suitable driver found for sqlserver://;instance=ZZZ;DataBaseName=YYYYYYYY] at com.pega.platform.executor.jobscheduler.internal.JobSchedulerProcessor.identifyUserMarkedFailure( ~[pega-executor.jar:?] at com.pega.platform.executor.jobscheduler.internal.JobSchedulerProcessor.execute(JobSchedulerPro

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new database connection from Records > SysAdmin >Database.
  2. In the Connection method (How to connect option), use Configuration in the Preferences tab if the corresponding data source is already defined in the application server (for example, context.xml in Tomcat server). In this case, the user did not define any data source in the Application server. Hence, JDBC URL option is used.
  3. Perform a Test connectivity. The user is connecting to PostgreSQL database server over Port 5432. The corresponding database driver does not install on this Pega server. Hence, the error occurs.
  4. Import the driver file from the Import wizard. The connectivity continues to fail with the same error message. Though the driver file is imported to the database, it is not specified in the default class path or in the list of default database drivers.
  5. Create a Dynamic System Setting (DSS) where the value 'org.Postgresql.Driver' is the corresponding class name of the PostgreSQL database driver. This must be configured based on the database type the user is connecting to.
  6. Restart the application.
  7. Retest the connectivity.
Perform the below steps to connect to multiple and different external databases (such as, Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL, etc.).

In this case, an external database connection exists for a PostgreSQL database. Configure another database connection for MySQL database.
  1. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 (from above) with the Connection parameters of MySQL database.
  2. Add the class name (semicolon separated) of the new database type which is MySQL to modify the existing DSS.
  3. Restart the application.
  4. Test the Connectivity.

Root Cause

A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment.

The JDBC URL was incorrect for the SQLServer and the driver files imported were not fetched from the database.

Below is the URL format used:


Perform the following local-change:
  1. Change the JDBC URL to the correct format.
  2. Added the correct Port number.
  3. Remove the imported JDBC JAR files from the database.
  4. Added the JAR in the LIB folder of the Tomcat server.
  5. Make an entry in the prconfig.xml file.

Published April 8, 2020 - Updated December 2, 2021

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