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Support Article

Read-only checkbox shows tooltip msg True/False for jp_JP locale



When a ReadOnly checkbox is hovered then only "True" or "False" text is shown  for jp_JP locale. These values cannot be localized even by creating any pyActionPrompt Field Value.

Error Messages

Not applicable

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a section rule.
2. Drag a Checkbox control into the Dynamic Layout.
3. In the Presentation Tab of the Cell properties, set the format to Read-Only.
4. Set the Read-Only format appearance to True/False and Type to Image.
5. Set the Operator locale to ja_JP and save the changes to Operator record.
6. Log-off and login before re-launching the Work Object.
7. Hover mouse over the Read-Only check-box to observe the tool-tip message.

Actual Behavior: Text as 'True' or 'False' is displayed on hover over readonly checkbox.
Expected Behavior: Image with Japanese character to be displayed on hover over readonly checkbox.

Root Cause

Localiztion support is not there for readonly checkbox true/false values. pxFormatTrueFalse needs to be fixed.


Apply HFix-31047.


Published January 2, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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