Support Article
Localized value of pyStatusWork is not picked during display
The user has created a new status using field value pyStatusWork for the case say "Pending-ABC" and say the translated value for pyStatusWork.Pending-ABC is "Pending- A BC". When this status is used in the reports and for display in section, it doesn't display the translated value instead it displays the ID of it. i.e., Pending-ABC

Error Messages
Field value of pyStatusWork is not getting picked in the reports.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a new status for a case using field value.
- Use that status at one of the assignment in the flow.
- Run through the flow and check if the same gets displayed in the case and the report.
Root Cause
pyWorkAssignmentStatus is the control which is used to display the status value in the section and it uses "pyStatusLabel" to display the value.

Since it is unable to find value for "pyStatusLabel" while execution of the flow, it prints the same as the name of status created instead of its translated value.
Perform the following local-change:
1. Create/modify a status(pyStatusWork) with a custom value.

2. Create a corresponding pyStatusLabel in @baseclass with same name as that of status name( as this is used for the display in cases)

3. Run through the flow and observe that the value which is required for display is rendered. (i.e., Pending Label - ABC is displayed)
Published February 4, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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