Support Article
Validation error on first click of calendar icon
When a modal dialog with a date or time control is launched, the focus is initially inside the input field.
When clicking on the calendar icon, a validation error appears under the field before the user can select a date.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1) Include a required date or time control in a section used in a modal dialog as the first field.
2) Enable client-side validation on the modal flow action.
3) Launch the modal dialog.
4) Click the Calendar icon.
Root Cause
When a modal dialog is launched, browser focus automatically goes to inside the first editable field.
The client-side validation will fire whenever focus leaves this field (such as when clicking on the calendar icon).
Unselecting the "Enable client-side validation" option on the flow action used in the modal dialog resolves this issue.
Published February 9, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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