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Support Article

Classes saved with pyRecordHistorySnapshots errors



User is unable to import a product file into another environment because classes have been saved with errors referencing an undefined property pyRecordHistorySnapshots.

Error Messages

2017-03-01 00:25:20,753 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ MyUsername:07.21] ( internal.loaders.SaverLoader) INFO CSCSysAdmin - Saved of RULE-OBJ-CLASS MY-FW-TROUBLEFW-WORK-GRP1-MYCLASS failed. Trying to save an invalid page: The page contains an undefined property: NewFWWorkTypeClass.pyRecordHistorySnapshots
Validation failed: Errors Detected.

Steps to Reproduce

Exact reproduction steps are not known. There was some use of the Application Accelerator.

Root Cause

The issue occurred due to the error stored in the class rule.

Further investigation suggests the original error was stored in the classes during the use of the Application Accelerator.

The NewFWWorkTypeClass page in the error message is the name of the step page used in activity Rule-Obj-Class.pzCopyFrameworkWorkType.

The page is referenced in step 11 where it does a Page-New with the comment saying "New page for the FW work type".


Modifying the revalidate tool so the classes can be resaved without the errors, to resolve follow these steps:
  1. Perform a private checkout of the @baseclass.BulkValidateSave activity and do a Page-Clear-Messages after the Obj-Open-by-Handle.
  2. Run the revalidate tool found in DesignerStudio > System > Release > Upgrade > Validate > Revalidate and Save.
If the issue re-occurs, further investigation of the Application Accelerator code will be needed, starting with the Rule-Obj-Class.pzCopyFrameworkWorkType activity to see how the error message is being stored into the class record.

Published March 16, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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