Support Article
Custom export to Excel button only works once
A custom export to Excel button only works once.
Note: This button is not the Out-of-the-box (OOTB) export to Excel feature seen in reports.
It is a pxButton configured to refresh the current section, and call a custom activity which eventually calls OOTB @baseclass.ExportToExcel.
In this scenario it is being used to export grid data to Excel.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
- Click on this custom configured button to generate Excel
- Button does not work anymore until you reload the screen
Root Cause
This design cannot use refresh section to download the Excel file.
Perform the following local-change:
1) Define this custom function in UserWorkform:
function downloadFile(activityName, className, applicationName, fileName, fileType){
var suURL = SafeURL_createFromURL(pega.u.d.url);
suURL.put("pyActivity", activityName);
suURL.put("pyClassName", className);
suURL.put('ApplicationName', applicationName);
suURL.put('FileName', fileName);
suURL.put('FileType', fileType);
var formEle = document.createElement('form'); = "download_file";
formEle.method = "POST";
formEle.action = suURL.toURL();
if( = "";
2) Change button to call this custom function.
Note: The params such as filename and type params do not necessarily matter here depend on implemented custom activity.
Then custom export activity itself stays the same, no changes are needed there unless to use these new params.
Published October 8, 2020
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