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Support Article

IAC issue - clicking hyperlinks replaces existing tab



User is on Pega 7.1.8 and is building Internet Application Composer (IAC) in which they has used Out-of-the box (OOTB) CreateNewWork action to create a case from the DIV element .

When a case is created, in perform mode, while working on the case, when the user click on the hyperlinks available on the perform harness ( PXlink control is used).

The action configured on the link is openWorkbyhandle.

Clicking on hyperlink should open a work object in a new tab which is working fine in the Pega composite portal but the same feature is replacing the existing tab rather than creating a new tab while in IAC mode.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

1. Configure an IAC Gadget with DIv code action as "Createnewwork" . PegaA='createNewWork'.
2. Launch the IAC portal, the work object will be created and perform Harness is displayed.
3. From the perform harness, click a hyperlink from the grid which displays list of cases . Clicking on the link should opens a work object in new tab (Action set on Link is openworkbyhandle).
4. Observe that clicking on the link is replacing the existing tab than creating a new one .

Root Cause

IAC is designed to use with only one HTML frame so tab based configuration is not possible.


IAC is designed to use with only one HTML frame so tab based configuration is not possible.
User need to implement the requirement in their own way.

Published April 15, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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