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Virtusa Vax Manager
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Virtusa Vax Manager, powered by Pega, provides businesses with an easy way to track and obtain vaccination-related information from their employees. The tool offers all the capabilities needed to streamline the tracking process - reducing time to comply with company, state, or federal mandates. It is lightweight, tracks and helps obtain employee vaccination information, and can be deployed to any organization. The tool has adopters to integrate with existing HR systems, such as SAP, PeopleSoft, and Workday, for automatically pulling employees' details. Some of the key features of the tool include: business continuity plan assessment questionnaires, vaccination proof management, vaccination exception management, and return to office questionnaires.
The tool can also help generate PDFs of the vaccination and exception details and send correspondence of data alongside the generated PDFs.
Key Features
- Vaccination details management: Capture the vaccination information of employees, including capturing the dosage information and booster information for eligible employees.
- Vaccination exception capturing: Capture the vaccination exception information of employees, including capturing the employee information, reason for not vaccinated, etc.
- Return to office assessment and questionnaires: Get a quick health assessment of employees by asking health-related questions, presenting a return-to-office questionnaire for employees who are assessed low risk.
- PDF generation: Generate detailed PDF of the vaccination information, vaccination exception information, and the return-to-office assessment and questionnaires.
- Employee assessment: Get a general health assessment of employees, along with capturing their work from home needs.
- Reporting: Generate industry standard reports based on the vaccination coverage and others.

Partner Name
- Pega Products: Pega Foundation for Healthcare
- Industry: Healthcare
- Product Capability: Artificial Intelligence Case Management Cloud Services Decision Management Enterprise Application Development Low-Code App Development Next Best Action Reporting Robotic Process Automation Security System Administration User Experience
- Pega Version compatibility: Pega Platform 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8
- Geography: Americas Asia Pacific EMEA
Offering Type
Packaged Service Offering