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Support Article

ORA-24345 on querying property value greater than 4000 length



When running a report definition, ORA-24345 error occurs for certain instances whose property value length is greater than 4000.

Error Messages

** An error occurred on executing the query for the report definition - There was a problem getting a list: code: 24345 SQLState: 99999 Message: ORA-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred.

Steps to Reproduce

Run the report definition.

Root Cause

A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment. A database is limited to 4000 bytes in a varchar2 column. When the value length is greater than 4000, a CLOB column must be used; however, support for a CLOB was not available until Pega 7.2.2.


Support for CLOB in Obj-Save and to retrieve the entire CLOB content in a report definition is backported to 7.1.7. Report operations on the column (such as sort, grouping etc.) are not available when retrieving the entire CLOB content.
  1. Apply HFix-35518 and HFix-35527.
  2. Create a dynamic system setting as below:

    'reporting/retrieveFullClobContent' on 'Pega-RULES' and set the value to 'true'

  3. For the property that is greater than 4000 characters, alter the table to add the column as a CLOB.
  4. Restart the system.
  5. Upon restart, navigate into the system and open the Data-Admin-DB-Table rule. Resave the rule and run the 'test connection' (a warning displays about the CLOB column).
  6. Run the column populator tool to populate the newly exposed column in any of the existing instances.

Published November 22, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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