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Pega Web Mashup concepts: Pega Web Mashup architecture and web applications

November 18, 2014 | 02:46

In this Pega Academy lesson, you learn about the architecture of the Pega Web Mashup, known as the Internet Application Composer (IAC) in Pega 7.1.8 and earlier versions, and how it is setup for web applications.


Now let’s talk about the IAC architecture. There are three main components in IAC.

IAC gadget manager – this is nothing but a JavaScript file which contains the scripts to launch the PRPC application in a web application as a gadget. PRPC ships a sample PegaInternetApplicationComposer.js file that has to be included in the IAC gadget manager. There are two separate tasks that we need to do apart from this.

Add configuration properties such as URL of the servlet, system ID of the PRPC server, name of the application, etc.

Create an HTML DIV element for each Pega Gadget, the gadget should indicate the Pega action, action attributes and the gadget manager attributes.

The PDN contains the gadget manager reference that provides details on the Gadget API in terms of different Pega actions that can be implemented in the Javascript file. We will be using the gateway console for both these tasks. We will learn about this console in a little while.

A PRPC application on a web node (PRPC instance) – The PRPC server containing the application must be deployed as a web node to handle the requests coming from the IAC users. This can be configured using the dynamic system settings or in prconfig.xml. When the PRPC server is marked as a web node, it can be accessed only through the gateway servlet. The most important thing to remember is that developers cannot access the PRPC server using the PRServlet to make any changes. In a typical IAC implementation there will be two separate PRPC servers running against the same database- one is used for development or administration tasks and the other PRPC instance is dedicated for IAC users.

IAC Gateway – This is nothing but a servlet that is used to handle the communication between the IAC gadget manager and the web node. PRPC ships this servlet ( prgateway) in the installation bundle. When required the system administrator must deploy prgateway in the web server.

This is a pictorial representation of how these three components are connected. The gateway servlet and the web application containing the gadget manager must be co-located in the same domain. The PRPC application typically exists in a different server. If the PRPC instance exists in a different domain then we can only access it using a Gateway servlet.

IAC architecture and web applications
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