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Support Article

File listener is not renaming corrupt files to “.err”



File listener is not renaming corrupt files to “.err” in case it is not able to process the files.
The file lies forever in the Work_{listenername} folder and is not moved to “Completed” folder.

Error Messages


Steps to Reproduce

-> Create a file Listener which can process .DAT files.
-> Enable Attemp recovery and max recovery attempts to 3, FileOperation is rename and File Extenson is err.
-> Take a pdf file rename is with .DAT extension and place it in the file listener folder. 

Root Cause

This has been mentioned in the Developer help.
Error Recovery  
Attempt recovery?

When selected, the system leaves the files containing errors in the Work folder for recovery purposes.

CautionIf this box is selected, the File Listener processing may create many instances of the Log-Service-File class, to aid in debugging. This can affect overall system performance.

Max Recovery Attempts

Enter 0 or a positive integer for maximum number of times the system attempts recovery.

As per the above description, the files containing errors will be placed in the work folder for recovery purpose.


This is an expected behaviour in PRPC.

Published June 12, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020

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