Support Article
BadClassDefs errors in the logs post application installation
Errors related to the 'Data-Channel-Process-' and 'CustomerChat' classes occur after installing Pega Customer Service 7.31.
Error Messages
[ L37062WUS] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (res.CacheDataToCandidateMapper) WARN - Unable to load RULE-OBJ-MODEL DATA-CHANNEL-PROCESS- PYDEFAULT #20171021T110200 due to Database-BadClassDef Data-Channel-Process-; This may cause the wrong rule to run during rule execution.
[ L37062WUS] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (res.CacheDataToCandidateMapper) WARN - Unable to load RULE-OBJ-MODEL CUSTOMERCHAT SETCHATPARAMETERSFORSAFEURL #20171021T103447 due to Database-BadClassDef CustomerChat; This may cause the wrong rule to run during rule execution.
Steps to Reproduce
Install Pega Customer Service 7.31 and restart the system.
Root Cause
The 'Data-Channel-Process-' and 'CustomerChat' classes were refactored and are not used in the application. However the class definitions were not removed from the install package.Resolution
The 'Data-Channel-Process-' and 'CustomerChat' classes are not utilized during runtime and these warnings can be safely ignored.
Published July 23, 2018 - Updated December 2, 2021
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