Support Article
Invalid value for aClassName, aPropertyName passed
A section contains a repeat grid which has a section embed as a column. The embedded section contains two other repeat grids which again have sorting enabled. Sorting is enabled on both the parent and the child grid and are set to read only or read/write.
User gets the following exception when clicking on the grid view column header to sort the inner grids:
Cannot get property information for: PegaSample-Data-Borrower..TaskID. Details: Invalid value for aClassName, aPropertyName passed to, String, String)
Operator ID [email protected]
Requestor ID HFAC10356ACAD901BFA442B32F089372B
Error Messages
Cannot get property information for: PegaSample-Data-Borrower..TaskID. Details: Invalid value for aClassName, aPropertyName passed to, String, String)
Operator ID [email protected]
Requestor ID HFAC10356ACAD901BFA442B32F089372B
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create a repeat grid and add a section include in the column instead of a field.
2. Inside the section have two repeat grids, both having the source as a page list of the same class.
3. Keep sorting enabled on both the grids inside the section.
4. Run the flow and add one row to the grid.
5. Sorting works even when there are no records and no error is thrown.
6. Add another row and press sort.
7. An error is thrown as – “Cannot get property information for: PegaSample-Data-Borrower..TaskID. Details: Invalid value for aClassName, aPropertyName passed to, String, String)”.
Root Cause
Nested grid are not supported with editing set to read or read write.
Nested grid are only supported when editing option is set to Modal Dialog/Embedded Pane. Other configurations are not supported.
Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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