Support Article
Unable to connect to database with keyring file
Unable to connect to the database while executing bix.bat on the Command Line.
Error Messages
Unable to connect to database - User ID or password is invalid.
Steps to Reproduce
- Install Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) 7.3.1.
- Configure, prconfig.xml, and bix.xml.
- Run the BIX process through the bix.bat on the Command Line.
Root Cause
Configuration issue in prconfig.xml and bix.xml.
The encrypted password in was taken from pegarules.keyring file.
Perform the following local-change for password encryption and to use pegarules.keyring:
Perform the following local-change for password encryption and to use pegarules.keyring:
1. Run the below command line for database password encryption for
java -classpath ".;./lib/prbootstrap.jar;./lib/prbootstrap-api.jar;./lib/prdbcp.jar;./lib/jsr94-1.0.jar;./lib/ojdbc7.jar;" password (Modify the database JAR file based on the database)
2. Use the password generated in ' ' (this is an encrypted password), in prbootsrap properties, instead of using an unencrypted password.
3. Perform the below to generate the pegarules.keyring file:
- Add the below script in the prconfig.xml for encryption:
<env name="identification/KeyringPrefix" value="xxxxxxxxxxxx" />
<env name="identification/KeyringAlgorithm" value="AES" />
<env name="identification/KeyringLength" value="256" />
- Run the below command line on the the Command Prompt:
java -classpath ".;./lib/prbootstrap.jar;./lib/prbootstrap-api.jar;./lib/prdbcp.jar;./lib/jsr94-1.0.jar;./lib/ojdbc6.jar;" -Dpegarules.config="config\prconfig.xml""file:///G:/Product_Collaterals/PRPC718/Additional_Products/BIX/config/" -Dpega.prbootstrap.config="config\" -Dcom.pega.pegarules.bootstrap.ignorejndi=true -Dpegarules.logging.configuration="config\prlogging.xml" com.pega.pegarules.exec.internal.util.crypto.KeyringImpl .\config\pegarules.keyring .\config\prconfig.xml G:\Environment\PRPC718\apache-tomcat-7.0.30\webapps\prweb\WEB-INF\classes (Modify the JAR, URL, and the path mentioned)
4. Add the below script in bix. xml as a JVM argument when the pegarules.keyring is generated.
<jvmarg value="-Dpegarules.keyring=config/pegarules.keyring"/>
5. Run the bix.bat on the Command Line.
Published January 26, 2019 - Updated December 2, 2021
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