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Support Article

Date-Calendar format issue



Date-time control format issue

the form has Date field with format required dd/mm/yyyy, but the date-time control shows 1/1/2010 when selected single digit date and month. as per the requirement it should show 01/01/2010 we have validate rule which validates format so now it shows err mesg it is date field with date-calendar. (cant change type to text)

Steps to Reproduce

1)Create date time control
2) Run the flow
3) Select single digit month and date

Root Cause

The root cause of this problem is in a third-party product integrated with PRPC. 
Root cuase is that the locale used in the browser.


The explanation for this behavior is as follows: 

1) Format of the date time is dependent on locale we used at browser level.
    Example : Add Ireland English language in the browser and observe the expected format (dd/mm/yyyy) is displayed in the browser as well as clipboard

2) The behaviour of the date time is depend on the locale due to the text property configured on date time control, However it is expecting Date property

3) Configure the Date property for the control So that we will get the date format as expected, i.e yyyymmdd

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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