What's new in PRPC 6.2
Released in August 2011, Version 6.2 incorporates many new features and capabilities for application users, line managers, business architects, application developers, and operations and deployment staff. Several enhancements extend the functional boundaries of PRPC. Other enhancements make both developers more productive through new and better tools and more direct ways to complete their tasks.
Multiple enhancements help developers build, test, and evolve applications faster, by:
- Reducing the need to create activities, offering substitutes that are simpler than activities.
- Reducing the need to hand-craft user-interface facilities with custom HTML, JSP tags, CSS, or JavaScript, by providing more autogenerated facilities.
- Reducing the need to use custom SQL statements and custom activities to meet reporting needs.
These enhancements are described in more detail in various sections below. For additional examples and information, visit the PDN, which has announcements, webinars, and knowledgebase articles about V6.2 features.
Case Management
These case management facilities are designed to help application developers create applications that support multi-level case relationships among work items. Every new application can grow if necessary into a full case management application through natural evolution; there is no need to start over or perform extensive refactoring.
- Updated user forms — The standard harnesses Work-.New, Work-.Review, Work-.Perform and Work-.Confirm have been updated to incorporate case management capabilities. When you use the Application Accelerator to create a new application, these harnesses are copied into your application. See Working with user forms (V6).
- Interacting with Perform user forms — Users can select local actions, connector actions, start subcases, and start supporting processes from a single menu.
- Additional Case Management features
- When you save a Case Type rule, the system automatically generates the Declare Trigger rules that support the calculations on the Calculations tab. See Case Type rule — Completing the Calculations tab.
- The Case Type rule form allows you to reference a work parties rule, optionally overriding a work parties rule in a flow. See Case Type rule — Completing the Processes tab.
- You can also review or enter calculations through the Properties > Data Aggregation menu of the Case Type Definitions landing page. See Process and Rules category — Case Designer.
- The Properties > Data Propagation menu option lets your application copy property values from a case to subcases at runtime automatically. See Process and Rules category — Case Designer.
- You can specify a custom icon for a work type in either the Case Type landing page or in the application rule. At runtime, this icon appears in the My Cases tab of the Case Manager portal, and on the user form.
These new features make your case-management-style applications easier to learn and use, improve user productivity and accuracy, and enhance line managers' ability to monitor daily operations.
- Case Manager portal — A comprehensive portal provides both line managers and application users with fast access to the details of complex cases and to actionable reports and displays. This portal can be customized to rearrange, reduce, or add to functions available to specific types of users. See About the Case Manager portal. The portal includes the following tabs
- The My Cases tab provides access to all open cases to which the user is a party, even those with no current assignments for the user.
- The Calendar tab highlights the dates and times of goals and deadlines determined by service levels and the dates of subscribed-to-events. See Creating and subscribing to business events and Using and configuring the My Events tab.
- The My Dashboard tab provides access to worklists for yourself and others in the work group, plus speedometer charts and reports that allow near-real-time monitoring of work in progress, and completed work. See Using the My Dashboard tab.
- The Reports tab displays the Report Browser and includes access to the Report Viewer. See Using the Report Browser.
- Case review form: audit trail and attachments — Caseworkers can access an enhanced audit trail for a user form that provides access, to the history the case and of each of the subcases of the case. See About audit trails and attachments (V6X).
- Report scheduling and subscriptions — Managers or users who have access to the Report Browser can schedule automatic report execution and subscribe to schedules. See Scheduling reports.
- Runtime presentation of filter criteria — Optionally the report filter criteria can be presented at runtime in a display controlled by a section. Such sections can include instructions to the report user, more familiar labels, and an attractive layout compared to the default presentation of filter criteria. See Report Definitions — Completing the Design tab.
Declaratives, Decisions and Validation
DSM Early Adopter Edition
Available with V6.2, the DSM Early Adopter Edition incorporates, unifies and extends capabilities decisioning and predictive analytics products previously provided through separate products. This help system provides only basic information on these new features. Contact your Pegasystems representative for the latest documentation.
- Decision Strategy Manager — An optional add-on component, DSM delivers proposition management, the use of predictive models generated by Predictive Analytics Director (PAD), strategy development, capturing interaction results using Interaction Services (IS), visualization and monitoring using Visual Business Director (VBD), and advanced adaptive analytics using ADM. See Introducing Predictive Analytics and Decision Strategy Manager.
- Two new types of decisions in process flows — You can import models developed in the Predictive Analytics Director to drive process flow decisions. These models support your business strategies for customer retention, risk management, and maximization of customer lifetime value. Two new rule types are available within your application's flows. See:
Two enhancements extend the power of validation rules:
- Validation against a target status — A flow action can validate work item properties according to validation conditions for a "proposed" or target work item status (rather than validation conditions the current work item status). If validation is successful, the flow action can update the work item status to the proposed value, eliminating the need to include an additional utility shape in the process flow. See Validate rules — Completing the Validate tab and Flow actions — Completing the Action tab.
- State-based Validation — The validate rule now allows cross-validation of work object data against work item status in columns on one form. See Validate form — Completing the Input tab.
These enhancements improve initial installations and upgrades:
- Installation documentation — Each V6.2 installation document addresses only a single application server and a single database vendor. As a result, the installation documents are shorter and easier to follow and navigate.
- System Name and production level — During installation, you can choose a system name and production level. This eliminates the time and steps needed to change them later.
- Upgrade enhancements — The upgrade process incorporates automatic changes that improve application run-time performance.
- Browser support — Applications developed within appropriate guardrails, containing only auto-generated user interface rules in your RuleSets, can be accessed through Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple's Safari for Windows. The V6.2 Designer Studio requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or 8. Consult the Platform Support Guide (available on the PDN) for details.
Designer Studio
Multiple enhancements have been incorporated into the Designer Studio to make application developers more productive and make features more readily accessible. Applications created in 6.2 are expected to require relatively less time and effort on developing and testing activities, as simpler alternatives are available for many situations.
- Run rules directly from Application Explorer — In the Application Explorer tree, a Run icon (
) appears next to activities, report definitions, list view rules, and summary views. Click the button to run the rule. See Using the Application Explorer.
- Model rules enhanced to support data transformations — Model rules have been enhanced and renamed to Data Transformation rules. In many situations, you can use a V6.2 data transformation rule rather than create an activity. A data transformation rule can perform a variety of operations on values, in addition to setting values for properties. As in earlier releases, at runtime a data transformation rule executes a sequence of actions that affect properties on a page, but in V6.2 the rule can include simple loops (iterations) for
Page List
and Page Group
properties, delete properties and values, or update more than a single page. You can unit test a data transformation rule using the Run toolbar button (
), as with many other rule types.
- Models created in versions before V6.2 operate as before. See Data Transformation rules — Completing the Definition tab.
- My Rules explorer — The My Rules list of favorite rules appears in the Explorer area of the Designer Studio, for quick access. See About the My Rules Explorer.
- Message display at top of rule form — For many rule forms, warning and error messages appear at the top when you save a rule, eliminating the need to scroll. See Identifying parts of rule and data forms and How to complete rule and data form fields.
- Declare pages visible to all Threads — A Declare Page may now have a scope of Requestor, so that all Threads in the current requestor can read from the page. See Declare Pages form — Completing the Definition tab.
Implementation Methodology
The Direct Capture of Objectives tools have been enhanced, primarily to help business architects and developers create applications and implementations that take advantage of case management features and the Case Manager portal.
- The Application Profiler wizard now supports entry of complex case types. Additionally, you can use either the built-in rich text editor, or Microsoft Word to enter and revise use case text.
- The Application Document wizard has been redesigned to provide greater flexibility and control over the structure of the output document. You can include attachments, reorder the chapters, preview the document structure before generation, and include or exclude portions of the document easily. The output can include the case tree. Screen capture can occur as a background operation.
- The Application Accelerator now supports cases structures. You can view and update the case tree as well as the Discovery Map.
- The Use Case rule form and the use case modal window are redesigned so that you can store details in separate fields (using Microsoft Word for authoring) rather than in a single Description field. See Application Use Case rules — Completing the Description tab.
Most PRPC applications interchange data with one or more external systems. The scope and power of service rules (which accept incoming requests from other systems) and connector rules (which call out to other systems) continues to grow in each new release. However, new and enhanced tools reduce development complexity and effort. V6.2 includes these enhancements:
- User access to work item attachments stored in an external ECM repository — Version V6.1SP1 introduced Connect CMIS rules, which allow work item attachments to be saved in an external enterprise content management system (ECM) such as Alfresco. In V6.2, authorized users can examine and interact with the contents of the external ECM from within their PRPC application. They can view and interact with the folder structure. This facility is validated for EMC Documentum, IBM FileNet, and Microsoft SharePoint and other systems supporting the OASIS CMIS specification. See Application rule — Completing the Advanced tab.
- Access to external relational database tables — The Database Class Mappings tab includes a new wizard (External Database Table Class Mapping) that allows you to easily create a class and properties to allow access to an external SQL database table. You can choose property names that are distinct from the column names in the external table. Your application can access external tables that have no key column. See Data Model category — Classes and Properties landing page.
- Connector and Metadata accelerator — If a newer version of a WSDL file for a SOAP service becomes available, the accelerator can produce the need classes and properties on a "net change" basis. In earlier versions, it was usually necessary to override or replace the entire set of previously generated rules. To start this facility, use the Update button on the Parse XML or XML rule form.
- Database Administration — The Database Class Mappings tab marks with a distinctive icon (
) those classes that are directly mapped to PegaRULES database tables. See Data Model category — Classes and Properties landing page.
- SOAP Connector upgrades — Using the enhanced Connector and Metadata accelerator, you can import an updated WSDL file when a previously created SOAP connector has been created. When processing the updated WSDL file, the accelerator generates only those class and property values corresponding to net differences from the original.
- SOAP and HTTP connector upscaling — The Connector and Metadata accelerator is enhanced for improved processing of very large WSDL and XML Schema Definition files, including those from Microsoft's Windows Communications Foundation (WCF). As a result, your applications can have full server-side access (using NTLM) to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010, SharePoint, and Office365 installations. Working with industry standards such as ACORD is easier.
- UIMA integration — V6.2 includes the Apache Software Foundation's implementation of the Unstructured Information Management Architecture, which provides a variety of capabilities for analyzing, summarizing, and converting unstructured data, typically text. For example, this facility can support the analysis of inbound email messages or of social website content. See UIMA and How to integrate with Apache UIMA.
- SOAP over Java Message Services — V6.2 extends the capability of SOAP connectors to support integration with an Enterprise Service Bus or similar systems using the Java Message Service (JMS) protocol, without the need to create activities or custom Java code.
- NTLM Support — Connect SOAP rules can use Microsoft's Microsoft NT Lan Manager V1 security protocols. The NTLM credentials are saved in an Authentication Profile data instance. See About Authentication Profile data instances.
PegaRULES Database
In a development environment, changes to the PegaRULES database schema — for example to adjust which PRPC classes are mapped to which table, or to expose a property as a new column — may be needed frequently and typically involve low risk. In contrast, in a production system, such changes may need to be tightly controlled for potential impacts on performance, integrity and security. V6.2 introduces new tools to allow easier schema updates in the former situation, while making it easier for developers and DBAs to understand the current schema and how it evolved:
- Import and Export Archives contain schema changes — Optionally, when you export an application to a ZIP archive with the Export tab, you can include in the ZIP archive about database schema changes made that support that application. When the ZIP archive is next imported into a target system, those schema changes can be automatically re-applied to align the table and column structure of the target system to the table and column structure of the source. See Application category — Import and Export landing page.
Property Optimization tool — Use the Property Optimization tool to expose a property as a database column, or to create an index to expose the values of an embedded, aggregate property. The wizard not only alters the table schema in the PegaRULES database, but automatically processes the BLOB column for the class to extract and expose property values. This processing occurs as a background, offline task performed by an agent; you can track its status and progress. See About the Property Optimization tool and Understanding the Pega-RulesEngine agent.
- Tracking schema changes and migrations — The system tracks newly created database tables, new columns in tables, and other schema changes created as you use the Property Optimization tool or the Modify Schema wizard, or create classes and properties. You can review the changes made using the Schema Change Tracking tab, on the System-Database landing page.
- Schema analysis — The Optimize Schema tab analyses the PegaRULES schema and highlights recommended changes. This tab can identify unused tables, unused columns, and columns that, based on your application's report definitions, should be indexed for best performance. On a development system, you can make these changes directly. See the System-Database landing page.
- Add columns as you add properties — For certain new
Single Value
properties, you can update the corresponding database table to expose the property as a new column as you create the property. This causes the column to exist before any values are stored for the property. See Property rules — Completing the New or Save As form.
- Dedicated database table for Data Tables — As you create a new data table with the Data Table wizard, you can cause the data table instances to be saved in a new dedicated database table. This choice can improve performance and simplify migration of the data table contents if necessary. See Using the Data Table wizard.
Version 6.2 offers improved response time performance for developers and application users. Using performance studies of real-world, customer-developed production applications, Pegasystems has built and validated performance improvements in the following areas:
- database queries
- generated Java
- generated HTML and CSS
- browser use of JavaScript
- memory
- network traffic
- multi-server clusters
With few exceptions, these improvements do not require configuration changes to take advantage of their benefits. They can improve user and developer satisfaction and productivity, reduce user errors, and provide greater capacity from existing hardware.
Unique property names — For technical reasons, property names that are unique (within a class inheritance path) provide best runtime performance. A warning message appears when developers choose a property name that results in a potential duplicate. See Properties — Completing the New/Save As form. The Duplicate Properties wizard helps you identify and reduce or eliminate such duplicates. See About the Duplicate Properties wizard.
Other performance enhancements — These specific performance enhancements are notable.
- The SQL query used to get the most urgent assignment for an operator, based on operator skills and required skills for the assignment, has been optimized on MSSQL and Oracle for better performance in high volume applications.
- If your application's harnesses reference Cascading Style Sheet rules (text file rules) on the Scripts and Styles tab, the CSS text rules are consolidated and "minified" before they are sent to the browser, to reduce the byte count. By default, the consolidated CSS contains only those selectors that actually are referenced in the run-time HTML. See Harnesses — Completing the Scripts and Styles tab.
- The Database Trace tab, which provides a detailed trace of all interactions of a requestor with the PegaRULES database, now includes additional details in each row about the last input.
- Tracer output can include performance alerts from your own requestor session, helping you localize the cause of the alert.
- Six new reports on the
> System > Tools > System Reports menu provide insights into the rules assembly processing on your system, and can be helpful in analyzing and improving system performance. See System category — Tools menu for a description of these reports.
Process flow enhancements provide application developers with a new flow editor and other features that support flow rule definition and display:
- Process Modeler editor — A new in-the-browser flow editor provides a recommended alternative to Microsoft Visio for defining and editing flows. The shapes and property panels in Process Modeler are similar to those in Visio (which remains available), so little retraining is necessary. However, many developers may find Process Modeler easier and faster to use. Process Modeler works with both new existing flows created in releases before V6.2 and new flows. Conversion of Visio-style flows can occur as you first edit the flow. See Flow form — Process Modeler basics.
- Where-am-I? display — The Where-Am-I? display can present both Visio-based and Process Modeler-based flows, or a flow execution that involves a mix of both modes. The display is localizable. See Using the Where-Am-I? display.
- Process Engine API — A new landing page tab provides access to activities, flow actions and other facilities that can be used to support flow processing without user forms, such as straight-thru-processing and headless applications. See Process and Rules category — Process landing page.
- Data transform in connector shapes — Optionally, for flows defined in Process Modeler, in a connector shape, you can call a data transform to compute property values when that connector is followed at runtime. See Flows — Process Modeler — Connectors and Flow Actions.
Report definition rules have many new features but remain backwards compatible. Many of these enhancements are available to managers (using the Case Manager or Manager composite portal) as well as to developers.
- New Report Definition options — These functional enhancements are new options on the rule form:
- A Count Distinct aggregate function
- Frameworks support — The Report on Descendent Class Instances checkbox allows a report definition defined in a framework class to include, at runtime, work items that belong to an implementation class.
- SmartInfo support
- Ability to suppress the display of duplicate rows
- Nested SQL functions — Within the Function Builder, the input parameter to a function can itself be a function, allowing users to define nested expressions
- The Export to PDF and Export to Excel outputs include all rows for paged reports.
- Group headings — For list-type reports with one or more sorted columns, allows the values in one or more of the sorted columns to be displayed as a group band above each set of detail rows, conserving space on the report and providing a more attractive layout.
- Top and Bottom Ranked results — Report output can display only those rows ranked as the top N, or the bottom N, where N is an integer value on the Design tab and "top ranked" and "bottom ranked" are a property value or the output of an expression. The ranking can be evaluated across all rows, or across rows in each group of values in the sorted columns of the report. For example, your report can include only the oldest 10 open assignments for each operator.
- Report scheduling — From the Report Browser, managers can schedule future execution of a report definition, with the output (as PDF or Excel files) sent by email, on a one-time or recurring basis. Each time the report runs, email is sent to designated users (these users may be explicitly listed, or the scheduled report may be marked as subscribable, in which case users can subscribe and unsubscribe themselves to scheduled reports of interest). Options include choice of output (Excel or PDF file), inclusion of the results file or a link to the results file in the generated email notifications, and error handling. Execution occurs in the background, through the Pega-RulesEngine agent. See Scheduling reports and Understanding the Pega-RulesEngine agent.
- Reporting on external classes — When specifying columns for a report, the autocomplete list of choices includes the property names from an external class. This information is obtained from the External Mapping tab of the Class rule. See Class form — Understanding the External Mapping tab.
- Subscriptions to scheduled reports — Managers can subscribe to receive report outputs (by email) that have been scheduled by other managers and marked by them as subscribable. See Scheduling reports.
- Sub-reports — A report definition can reference column values from the results of other report definitions. This allows report definitions to automatically generate SQL containing constructs such as sub-SELECTs, EXISTS() and NOT EXISTS(), and HAVING clauses, but without requiring developers to configure such hand-crafted SQL. See Report Definitions — Completing the Data Access tab.
- Reporting on framework work — As with list view reports, the Report on Descendent Classes option allows a report definition that applies to a framework class to report on work items that belong to a child subclass (an implementation class).
- Custom formatting of list-type report results using sections — The rows of list-type reports can be formatted using sections created by the developer. The section can replace the default tabular-style display of the row with one in which values are shown on multiple rows, and can present values using controls such as checkboxes and icons.
- Enhanced formatting of filter criteria — Report display of filter criteria can be formatted by a section, or can use a text caption to label criteria, on the Design tab. You application can present descriptions in language that is familiar to the user community.
- Completeness of PDF and Excel outputs — When a report from a report definition is exported to Excel or converted to PDF format, the paging settings (on the User Interactions tab) are ignored. The output includes rows from all pages.
- BIX improved logging — The latest version of Business Intelligence Exchange, an optional add-on product, provides improved logging and display of errors.
- Report landing pages — New landing pages provide access to report rules, reporting features and report status.
- Business Events infrastructure — Workers or managers using the Case Manager portal can define, start, and subscribe to business events, automatic background processing that occurs when specific conditions are met. See Understanding events.
System Operations
V6.2 supports system administrators who monitor and manage PRPC systems and move applications from system to system:
- Easier update of PRCONFIG Settings — In earlier releases, changes to many system-wide or node-wide settings can be changed only through the
file, which required undeploying and redeploying the entire prweb application.
- In V6.2, almost all system-wide settings can be controlled with specially named Dynamic System Setting data instances. This approach greatly reduces the effort to maintain these settings and improves the visibility of their values. However, use of Dynamic System Settings is optional; settings in your prconfig.xml file work in V6.2 as they did in earlier versions. See How to create or update a prconfig setting and Atlas — Initial Dynamic System Setting data instances.
- New options in Import wizard — The Import tab is replaced by a flexible and powerful multi-step wizard. A ZIP archive can contain Java classes to be imported, as well as rules and other PRPC objects. A ZIP archive can contain multiple application bundles, allowing Pegasystems' Solution Frameworks (and other large collections of RuleSets) to be installed in fewer steps. In an optional advanced mode, you can view and control the import operations at the detailed level. See Application category — Import and Export landing page.
- Enhanced Application Packaging wizard — This substantially enhanced wizard provides step-by-step guidance to identifying not only the RuleSets but the data objects that are part of an application, helping assure that the resulting product rule is complete. As you use the wizard, you can determine the applications (from the stack of "built-upon" applications), class groups, database tables, integration resources, organizational elements, access groups and operators to include or omit. See About the Application Packaging wizard.
- Associated RuleSet for data instances — Optionally, you can associate a RuleSet with selected types of data instances. This tag has no impact on how the data instance operates, but indicates that the data instance supports the functions provided by the RuleSet, and so should ordinarily be included in migrations involving that RuleSet. See Associated RuleSet and Identifying parts of rule and data forms.
These enhancements help developers test and debug applications faster:
- Tracer output color coding — Tracer output for activities uses a dark orange background in the Step Page column to allow you to quickly identify those pages which contain a message. See Tracer — Understanding results.
- White-list testing for activities — Optionally, you can perform white list testing, meaning that only an explicit list of property values are tracked; differences in all other properties are ignored. See Activity form — Working with the Test Cases tab.
- Tracer scope — Tracer output can include messages from the Pega log and from the Alert log, information about SQL queries sent to the PegaRULES database, SQL responses, and hits/misses for the rule cache. See Tracer — Setting options.
User Interface
V6.2 includes numerous enhancements that respond to customer requests for more dynamic interactions, support for rapid entry by end-users, and greater control over the look-and-feel. These enhancements help you build rich, productive user interfaces for your applications, while staying within guardrails of good practice:
UI Gallery landing page
This landing page provides working examples of V6.1+ controls, repeating layouts, and dynamic forms. You can interact with each feature to sample the user experience, view the underlying configuration, and copy the configuration rules into your own applications. These examples are localizable, auto-generated, and guardrail compliant. See User Interface category — UI Gallery page.
UI Events
User Interface-related events fall into a three categories:
- Those initiated by a user action, such a button click;
- Those triggered by a property change (such as a section request whenever a specific property is updated)
- Those based on a property value (such as when .State = "MA")
The 6.2 enhancement span all areas to make the overall experience more consistent, coherent, and complete.
Fewer steps to configure UI events — Configuration of highly interactive forms that incorporate user interface events (formerly known as client events) requires fewer steps. Property panels support more powerful Run on Client expressions and more powerful Refresh When and Visible When expressions. See Working with the Condition Builder.
Client events and post action — Using the Client Event editor, you can cause a user interaction on the browser client to post a property name and value to the clipboard before other server processing occurs. See Client Event Editor.
Declare expression values redisplay — If a property computed by a Declare Expression rule appears (as-a read-only value) in a section within a harness, at runtime the system refreshes the value on the user form automatically whenever the Declare Expression calculation occurs. This requires that the harness be enabled (on the HTML tab) for expression calculation, but does not require any configuration in the section. See More about Declare Expression rules.
Additional autogenerated controls — Introduced in V6.1SP2 and formerly known as HTML Property rules, autogenerated control rules provide developer flexibility, browser-independence, performance, and localization benefits when compared to older control rules. The older control rules remain available and supported, but developers are encouraged to use the new controls in new development. For a complete list of autogenerated controls, see Atlas — Standard auto-generated controls. These five new controls are notable:
More actions — A larger and uniform set of actions are available from buttons, links, and icons. Included is an action to refresh a section (for example, as a result of a button click).
Property rules have default controls — When you create a new Single Value, Value List, or Value Group property of type Text
, Identifier
, Password
, Integer
, Double
, or Decimal
, the Control field defaults to an appropriate auto-generated control. See Property rule — Completing the General tab — Value modes.
Trees and Grids
Expanded pane editing mode— Users updating data in a repeating grid can click a row to access details in an expanded pane. In certain contexts, this is a useful alternative to the modal dialog, embedded pane, or inline editing modes. For details, see information about the General tab in Harness, Section, and Flow Action forms — Adding a Grid layout.
Runtime row filtering — Users can interact with a Grid or TreeGrid to display only those rows that match a text string value in a column.
Branding wizard and recommended skin— The branding wizard provides more complete branding of all the visible elements of your application, such as error messages. You can define styles that include underlining. A standard skin EndUser62 is available and is recommended for applications created in V6.2, or as a starting point for your own application's skin. (In V6.3, these features are available through the Skin rule form.)
Buttons and links within your application can be assigned any one of three out-of-the-box style choices (known as Standard, Strong, and Basic) in addition to the default styling. Through the Branding wizard, you can add a custom style for buttons and a custom style for links, and you can redefine the out-of-the-box styles.
- Additional uses for Report Definitions — A report definition can be the source of data for various controls and operations. These changes reduce the need to build and maintain activities:
- Declare Page rules — See Declare Page rules — Completing the Definition tab.
- Autocomplete controls — See Harness, Section, and Flow Action forms — Adding an Autocomplete control.
- Dynamic Select control — See Harness, Section, and Flow Action forms — Adding a dynamic select control.
- Repeating rows — See Harness, section, and flow action forms — Adding a Row Repeat
control. - Repeating columns — See Harness, section, and flow action forms — Adding a Column Repeat
control. - Tree Grid — See Harness, section, and flow action forms — Adding a Tree Grid layout .
- Tabs — See Harness and section forms — Adding a tab.
- Data transforms — In several situations, you can call a data transform, rather than an activity, to accomplish needed property updates. Using a data transform is often simpler than using an activity. For example, on the Action tab of the Flow Action form, you can optionally identify a data transformation rule to apply before the action, and another data transformation rule to apply after the action is selected. See Flow Actions — Completing the Action tab.
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