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Released in August 2011, Version 6.2 incorporates many new features and capabilities for application users, line managers, business architects, application developers, and operations and deployment staff. Several enhancements extend the functional boundaries of PRPC. Other enhancements make both developers more productive through new and better tools and more direct ways to complete their tasks.

Multiple enhancements help developers build, test, and evolve applications faster, by:

These enhancements are described in more detail in various sections below. For additional examples and information, visit the PDN, which has announcements, webinars, and knowledgebase articles about V6.2 features.

 Case Management

 Declaratives, Decisions and Validation


 Designer Studio

 Implementation Methodology


 PegaRULES Database




 System Operations


 User Interface

What's new in V6.2SP1
What's new in V6.2SP2
What's new in V6.3

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