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Support Article

Activity-End method throws PRRuntimeError in Pega 7.1.9



After upgrade from PRPC 6.2 SP1, customized PerformDefaults activity using Activity-End method triggers a user-facing error instead of the expected harness.

Error Messages

This is a singleton exception object and the stack trace below does NOT reflect the actual point of failure. To see the actual trace, set Initialization/UniqueActivityTerminateExceptions = true.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login to Cusotmer application with XXX Manager Profile Operator who lacks the skill to perform the assignment.
  2. Select a new case from a work basket and double click to open it in perform mode.Exception on workitem open.

Root Cause

Trying to throw exception from activity But Activities doesn't support throwing an exception in PRPC.


As per PRPC design, Activities does not support throwing an exception, user is recommend not to depend on exceptions.

It is impossible to throw exception from activity and it should depend on harness-fail response instead of exception, so the behavior is intended to the PRPC platform.

Published April 2, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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