Support Article
ActivityTerminateException: This is a singleton exception object
On attaching a file to a case, the pyAttachInputstream changes to null in the dragdropfileupload pagelist on Passivation and the ActivityTerminateException displays. Hence, the assignment is not submitted.
Error Messages This is a singleton exception object and the stack trace below does NOT reflect the actual point of failure. To see the actual trace, set Initialization/UniqueActivityTerminateExceptions = true
Steps to Reproduce
- Configure a storage type as S3 for attachments.
- Upload a file to the case.
- Wait for 15 minutes until Passivation occurs.
- Click Attach.
- Submit the assignment.
Root Cause
The Validate rule that applies to uploading attachments did not contain checks for passivated input streams.
Perform the following local-change:
Save As the onAdd Validation rule and perform the below steps:
a. Enter '.pyContent' in the Property field for the new row and click Enter.
b. On the right side of the new row, select Edit to open the condition Editor.
c. Enter the below details.
- Select the box New to 'Enable Conditions'
- Select a function = [expression evaluates to true]
- Expression A:
- !(JavaObjectPropertyHasValue("dragDropFileUpload.pxResults(<LAST>).pyAttachInputStream"))
- Expression B:
- Select a function: [first string] [relation] [second string]
- "AND"
- "dragDropFileUpload.pxResults(<LAST>).pyIsStreamBasedUpload" EQUALS "true"
- Message = [the name of the custom message record]
- Click the target icon next to the name entered to begin creation of the custom message record
- The message record can contain any message that is most relevant to the users. The result must display as below:
Published January 17, 2020 - Updated December 2, 2021
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