Support Article
Additional filters in bulk processing do not work
The selection of additional filters (for example, Instructions), cause no results to be displayed during bulk processing.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1. Navigate to Bulk Processing feature.
2. Select “Process” option. A list of items is displayed (with instruction).
3. Add “Instructions” on the filter to get a shorter list based on “Instructions”.
4. Observe that the list is now empty.
Root Cause
The confusion is coming from the fact that “pyInstructions” property is existing at Assign- and at Work- levels.
When adding “pyInstructions” on the filter, the system always searches at the WorkObject level (Work-). But the list of items actually presents the “pyInstructions” of the corresponding assignment (Assign-).
All these rules are available for customization in Pega 7.1.8.
Published July 3, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020
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