Support Article
Agent fails due to rescheduling
The agent "SystemCleaner" fails to reschedule as describe in PDN article:
It is scheduled to run every night at midnight US/EST, and runs slightly ahead in time, leading to a rescheduling fail.
The problem does not happen on test environments. Problem is due to the agent being set to run at 12:00:00 midnight EST (America/New_York), on recurring option. The SystemCleaner agent is a native Pega agent, and cannot change its schedule by ourselves, because it is in a locked ruleset. One could change it on production specifically, but it would require us to change it manually every time user updates the production application.
There was an upgrade from PRPC 6 to Pega 7 on the 25th April on production. The problem, however, only appeared recently. The system cleaner last worked on 23rd June. It took exactly 1min 31 sec to execute.
Error Messages
Log error :
2016-06-23 06:00:48,636 [al-threads-53877551)] [ STANDARD] [ PegaRULES:07.10] ( internal.async.AgentQueue) ERROR - runEnd(): Code-.SystemCleaner; true @ 0: Unable to reschedule agent due to computation errors. Invalid delay interval: -48319
Agent exception on System Management Application :
Exception at 20160623T040143.504 GMT:Invalid delay time: -103358
Steps to Reproduce
Schedule SystemCleaner to run at midnight US/EST and wait.
Root Cause
User was under the assumption that the agents schedule could not be changed and had to be done through a hotfix due to the agent being a locked rule.
Explain to the customer that the changes are done to the "Agent Schedule" and not the agent:

Select the schedule to change

Make the changes

and save the new time.
Published August 1, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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