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Support Article

Alter PR_INDEX_CIRCUMSTANCE_DEF errors when adding Circumstance



The System Administrator configures the underlying database so that the PegaRULES user does not have the authority to run DDL SQL statements (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, etc...)

For most PRPC related operations this works  perfectly fine as this is generating DML SQL statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc...)
However, the Developers had observed errors when they attempted to create a Circumstanced rule based on a Property.

Error Messages

Presented to the user: -
    Can't create Circumstance Index because the following column can't be created: prop11.
    alter table pr_index_circumstance_def add (prop11 VARCHAR2(32))

In the logs: - Database-General    Problem executing SQL to update database schema    1031    42000    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

From: (H751F75781ED88F4589ED786FA231395F: 
    SQL: alter table pr_index_circumstance_def add  (prop11 VARCHAR2(32) )

Caused by SQL Problems.
Problem #1, SQLState 42000, Error code 1031: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

    at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.mgmt.Executable.executeDBAddIndexColumns(
    at com.pegarules.generated.activity.ra_action_savecircumstanceindex_2b421901b7abe0e8f471e24364a7615e.step4_circum0(
    at com.pegarules.generated.activity.ra_action_savecircumstanceindex_2b421901b7abe0e8f471e24364a7615e.perform(
    at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.mgmt.Executable.doActivity(

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create an new property.
2. Open an existing Section.
3. Click on the Save As button.
4. In the Save As dialog, expand the Circumstance group.
5. Choose the property created in step 1.
6. Enter an arbitrary Value.
7. Click on the Save As button.

Root Cause

When creating a Circumstanced rule this automatically builds and issue the SQL to add a new column to the PR_INDEX_CIRCUMSTANCE_DEF table based on the selected Property.


While there is no option to prevent PRPC from trying to amend the PR_INDEX_CIRCUMSTANCE table, you must configure your PRPC instance to use an AdminPegaRULES data source.

This allows you to configure the standard PegaRULES datasource with with a database user that only has privileges to run DML SQL commands. Automatically switches to a more privileged AdminPegaRULES database user when performing operations that require DDL SQL activities.


Published June 12, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020

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