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Support Article

Application Wizard is not working in Pega 7.1.6



The user is unable to create an application using application wizard in 7.1.6.  Developers are able to complete all the below wizard stages:
1.Application Settings -> 2.Business Objectives -> 3.Case Types -> 4.Data Objects

At the end of the data objects screen, whenever the 'Preview' or 'Create' button is clicked, nothing appears to be created by the wizard and the screen just refreshes. A summary of the created rules is expected. 

Error Messages

Not  Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

1) Login to PEGA 7.1.6
2) Create a new application with implementation only.
3) Complete all the application settings, business objectives, case types and data object stages.
4) Click the preview or create button.

Root Cause

The root cause of this problem is a defect in Pegasystems’ code/rules.Function rule resolution is not working properly when there is more than one version of a function with the same formal parameters, and the function is called using the short form of the function name. In this particular scenario the PageListContains function was causing a problem as this function exists in both the PegaSurvey framework and the Pega-AppDefinition ruleset. 


This issue is resolved through the following local change: Do a private checkout of the pzCopyFrameworkClassGroup activity and change the short function rule reference to the long function rule reference (specifying ruleset and library). A permanent solution will be provided in a future release. 

Published May 16, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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