Support Article
Attaching size limit of 6 or more MB takes more than 20 mins
File upload is taking long time time to process. Small files of size 1MB are getting uploaded quickly, however files of size 6 MB or more are taking approximately 20 minutes to get uploaded.
Error Messages
Following error messages were observed in the tracer logs:
BLOB size written to the database exceeds a threshold.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Include Out-of-the-box (OOTB) instance.
2. Set up the JVM argument -Xgcpolicy:balanced
3. Upload any 6 MB file.
4. Observe that it takes long time to process.
Root Cause
A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment:
As per the installation guide ( the value for the JVM argument Xgcpolicy should be either gencon or optavgpause.
Make the following change to the operating environment:
As per the PRPC installation guide (, for JVM argument Xgcpolicy either gencon or optavgpause should be used as a value. Choice should be made on nature of objects. For long lived objects optavgpause can be used as a value, whereas for high performance and short lived objects gencon should be used.
Published September 26, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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