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Support Article

Attachments Drag and drop feature fails to attach a large file.



Drag and drop feature takes a long time to attach large files, files which are more than 10 MB in size.

Error Messages

EXCP0001 alert ( File too large).

Steps to Reproduce

Use OOTB drag and drop attachments feature.

Root Cause

A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment:

This is an expected behavior and system is behaving as per the expectations. Total size that can be uploaded using drag and drop feature is 10 MB. If a drag and drop feature is used, internally it makes an AJAX call. Hence, for large files it either behaves slow or un- stabilizes the machine.


Here’s the explanation for the reported behavior:
  1. ID: Pega-ProcessEnginepyMaxDragDropAttachSizeMB: The value should be 10 (it is in MB).
  2. In 7.1.7 OOTB, is is observed that this is wrongly configured and needs to be corrected.
  3. Recommendation is to use the drag and drop option only for the file which are less than 10 MB in size, as it makes an AJAX call which slows down and sometimes makes the system unstable for the large file.
  4. Also, 10 MB is cut off value, that means if the file size is 9 MB, for example, you may still see the slowness.
  5. Recommended approach is for large files which are more than 10 MB, use the normal Select option.
  6. For drag and drop feature, keep the allowed value in the pyMaxDragDropAttachSizeMB to be less than or equal to 10 MB.

Published March 26, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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