Support Article
Calculated Report Definition Column Display
Error occurs when displaying the Calculated report definition column on a table using the .pyTextValue(1) value list property that has Formatted text control.

Error Messages
"Section 'X' execution error on page" of class 'Y-Work'. : cannot be null or blank.
page: pgRepPgSubSectionX.pxResults(1). Details: Invalid value for a Reference passed to, char)
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a report definition with a column using a calculated value
- Reference the report definition in a table layout of a section.
- Set the .pyTextValue(1) as the property for one of the cells in the table while using Formatted text as the control.
Root Cause
An issue in the custom application code or rules.
Perform any one of the following local-changes:
- Configure a grid column with no control ('Control inherited from property') with property @@pxConcatenate(C.Prop1,C.Prop2,"" "").
- Use JSP in Label control to display the Value list property
<%=tools.getStepPage().getString(".pyTextValue(1)") %>
- Select the 'Create grid dynamically' option instead of specifying static columns in the table. Alternatively, create another report definition with fewer columns or a virtual report definition.
- Wrap the report definition in a data page to use as the table source. Using a data page, use the .pyTextValue.
Published September 25, 2018 - Updated October 8, 2020
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