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Support Article

Cannot save instance of class error



You, as an application developer, receive an error message when running an activity that sets property values and saves a record. The error message states the Status column does not exist but it is present in the database table.

Error Messages

Cannot save instance of class Sample-Data; it belongs to fully exposed table PRPC71.SAMPLE_DATA in database PegaDATA, but the instance has properties which do not correspond to columns: Status

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a table.
2. Create a class and database table mapping.
3. Create properties which are part of database table.
4. Create an activity to set the properties, save, and commit the record to observe the issue.

Root Cause

The root cause of this problem is a defect in custom application code/rules. The Status property exists in multiple classes but was not specified on the External Mapping tab of the class rule.


This issue is resolved through the following local-change:

Add the properties to the External Mapping tab of the class rule

Published July 22, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020

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