Support Article
Case displays on a new window
An email contains a case link. Case opens in the Review mode on clicking the link. When user clicks Begin on the screen, a new window opens on which the case displays in the Perform mode. The case must display on the same window in the Perform mode.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
- Click the link sent through the email
- Log in to the application
- Click Begin
Root Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules.
Perform the following local-change:
Launch a portal and perform open assignment by following the steps below:
1) Invoke beginWork by clicking Begin with pzInsKey as param
2) Add the below script to the UserWorkForm:
function beginWork(Key) {
var oSafeUrlClose = SafeURL_createFromURL(pega.u.d.url);
oSafeUrlClose.put("pyActivity", "DoClose");
oSafeUrlClose.put("retainLock", "false");
oSafeUrlClose.put("dcCleanup", "true");
pega.u.d.asyncRequest("GET", oSafeUrlClose, {success: function() {
var oSafeUrl = SafeURL_createFromURL(pega.u.d.url);
if($(".SmuckerHeader", parent.document).length){
pega.desktop.openAssignment(Key, "", "", "", "true", "","");
/*oSafeUrl.put("pyActivity", "@baseclass.doUIAction");
oSafeUrl.put("action", "openAssignment");
oSafeUrl.put("pzSkinName", "PM");
oSafeUrl.put("key", encodeURIComponent(Key));
window.location = oSafeUrl.toURL();*/
var location = "";
location ="pyActivity=Data-Portal.ShowSelectedPortal&portal=pyCaseWorker&Name= pyCaseWorker&pzSkinName=&developer=false&ThreadName=OpenPortal_pyCaseWorker&launchPortal=true&portalThreadName=STANDARD&portalName=Developer";
location = encodeURIComponent(location);
oSafeUrl.put("pyActivity", "Embed-PortalLayout.RedirectAndRun");
oSafeUrl.put("ThreadName", "OpenPortal_pyCaseWorker");
oSafeUrl.put("beginWork", Key);
oSafeUrl.put("Location", location);
window.location = oSafeUrl.toURL();
3) Add the below HTML fragment to the label on the portal header:
<pega:include name="OnloadJS" />
var location = window.location;
var url = new URL(location.href);
var Key = url.searchParams.get("beginWork");
setTimeout(function(){pega.desktop.openAssignment(Key, "", "", "", "true", "", "");}, 3000);
Published October 11, 2019 - Updated December 2, 2021
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