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Support Article

ClassNotFoundException installing Pega 7.2.2 on WAS



"Deploy enterprise beans" option is not available in WAS 8.5.5 when running Java 8.

IBM decided to not include the EJB deploy piece when releasing Java 8 support with WAS 8.5.5, but instead to hold off on that bit until WAS 9.0.

In the process of resolving the previous issue, I was provided with a 7.2.1 EAR-file with pre-deployed EJB's in it so that the lack of EJB deploy support in WAS 8.5.5 didn't matter. We tested deploying that EAR and it worked. But now that we are updating to Pega 7.2.2, I now need a work-around for that version.

Error Messages

Attempt to start EnterpriseBean prpc_j2ee14_ws#prbeans.jar#EngineBMT failed with exception: Bean class com.pega.pegarules.internal.etier.interfaces.EJSRemoteStatelessEngineBMT_f2439d86 could not be found or loaded

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install Websphere and IBM JDK 8.
  2. Configure the Webphere profile for PRPC EAR deployment.
  3. Start the deployment of the prpc_j2ee14_ws.ear file using the New Application Wizard.
  4. Notice that the “Deploy enterprise beans” option is not available.
  5. Proceed with the deployment
  6. Start application.
  7. EJB startup fails..

Root Cause

A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment
The “Deploy enterprise beans” option is not available when Websphere is running with Java 8.
This is stated in the IBM Knowledge Centre article "Select installation options settings" for Websphere 8.5.

This option is required to deploy pre EJB 3.x applications in Websphere 8 or greater.
When the option is not selected the previous error is found at runtime.


Make the following change to the operating environment:
  1. Manually run the EJBDeploy tool shipped with Websphere 8.5 using JDK 7. For example:
    $WAS_HOME/profiles/<Your_Profile>/bin/ prpc_j2ee14_ws.ear $(pwd) dpl_prpc_j2ee14_ws.ear
  2. Deploy the ear file generated in this way.

Published March 10, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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