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Support Article

Connection timeout not set for Connect-Http rule



Response timeout is not applied when connecting to unreacheable host via Connect-Http rule.
Response timeout on the "Service" tab set to 10000 (10 seconds), but timeout occurs long after that time.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create Connect-Http rule.
2. Set endpoint URL to unreachable host, example: "" for server with no Internet access
3. Set response timeout to 10000.
4. Create activity rule and invoke Connect-Http method.
5. Run activity.

Root Cause

It is a functional limitation of HTTP connector. Connection timeout is not supported by HTTP connect rule. Only socket timeout works for HTTP connector.


Perform the following local-change steps:

1. Switch to Connect-REST.
Connect-REST already provides the same functionality as Connect HTTP, so replacement is a matter of adjusting the configuration to use Connect-REST instead of Connect-HTTP.
Connect-REST provides every capability of Connect-HTTP and more. They use the same underlying implementation and expose nearly identical configuration semantics. Going forward enhancement will be done only in Connect-REST.

2. Implement a local change in invokeHTTPConnector activity to set the timeout.

Alternative local change:

Create a utility function called HostIsReachable, which takes these two arguments:
* String endpoint
* int timeout

The Rule-Utility-Function (RUF) should have a boolean return value and have this as its body:
try {
} catch (Exception e) { // add appropriate log output here if desired }
return false;

Use this utility function as a precondition for calling the connector in an activity step, with the HTTP endpoint URL as input to the function.

Published May 3, 2018 - Updated October 8, 2020

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