Support Article
CPM 7.1.3 Upgrade DDL contains precision error
The CPM 7.1.3 upgrade DDL scripts oracledate.sql contains error: "There is an error with the precision or scale of column Average in table pa_rating_sum"
The DDL scripts has been generated with command as docoumented in the CPM 7.1.3 Upgrade Guide:generateddl --action upgrade --dbtype oracledate.
Error Messages
There is an error with the precision or scale of column Average in table pa_rating_sum.
There is an error with the precision or scale of column InteractionCount in table pca_intent_usage_summary.
There is an error with the precision or scale of column Average in table pca_rating_sum_knowcont.
Steps to Reproduce
1.Upgrade CPM 6.3 SP3 to CPM 7.1.3.
2.Generate the database upgrade script using command: generateddl --action upgrade --dbtype oracledate
Root Cause
In the log file, the following information of the AVERAGE attribute is found:
[java] Match! :: pa_rating_sum
[java] Emitting column size error ...........
[java] <pega:table name="pa_rating_sum">
[java] <pega:zosattributes/>
[java] <pega:columns>
[java] <pega:varchar name="PZINSKEY" required="true" size="256"/>
[java] <pega:integer name="rating" required="false"/>
[java] <pega:integer name="COUNT" required="false"/>
[java] <pega:varchar name="ENTITYKEY" required="true" size="256"/>
[java] <pega:decimal name="AVERAGE" required="false" scale="0" size="38"/>
[java] </pega:columns>
Prior to the upgrade, the precision of type of AVERAGE has been changed in the database and causing the error generated in the oracledate.sql DDL
These error can be ignored if the application requires more precise precision on Integers.
In addition, in oracledate.sql there are no columns alterations in pa_rating_sum and pca_intent_usage_summary.
Published June 30, 2015 - Updated December 2, 2021
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