Support Article
Create new record failed after upgrade conversion of data tables
Users upgraded to Pega 7 and there was an attempt to convert data tables to data types. When users tried to add or update records in a recently converted data table, they see the error message "Create new record failed" . This occurs for only a few data tables.
Error Messages
Create new record failed:pxCreateRecord API failed.
Steps to Reproduce
Try adding a new record in data tables.
Root Cause
Some data tables had problems using the existing table during the conversion. The four (4) properties (columns) listed below were missing:
- pzPVStream
- pxCommitDateTime
- pxSaveDateTime
- pyRuleSetName
Perform the following local-change:
Create the four (4) missing columns in the data table as shown in this example SQL statement:
ALTER TABLE dbo.pr_my_data_table ADD pzPVStream BLOB NULL, pxCommitDateTime DATE NULL, pxSaveDateTime DATE NULL, pyRuleSetName VARCHAR (64) NULL;
Published February 24, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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