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Support Article

CSO not decoding Vantage account password



When try to launch CSO, the application returns "Credential error, password incorrrect". If we update the Vantage.init and type in the VantageAccountPassword in clear text it works. When the password is encrypted again (by restarting the SPI), the problem come back.

Error Messages

On the screen: Server Error, in tomcat console "Invalid password"

Steps to Reproduce

Run CMD and luanch Campaign Schedule Overview Appilcation

Root Cause

Password was not decrypted as “Unlimited Strength JCE Extension Policy Files” were not copied to $JAVA_HOME/ jre/lib/security’ path


Issue resolved after  “Unlimited Strength JCE Extension Policy” Files were copied to $JAVA_HOME/ jre/lib/security'  path, as password is decrypted appropriately.

Published July 3, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020

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