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Support Article

Dataflow execution fails with Cassandra errors after restart



User is seeing InvalidQueryException and TruncateException issues during Dataflow execution.

Error Messages

  •  com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: unconfigured columnfamily bestibtreatmentsbyparty_ngdp2_6bc43031f4551ad67f
  •  com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.TruncateException: Error during truncate: Cannot achieve consistency level ALL

Steps to Reproduce

Execute Data Flow.

Root Cause

During the last staggered restart, it did not stop all the servers at the same time and found other Cassandra directories in the filesystem. This restart did not help rebuild the DDS cluster either.


In the latest restart, user carried out following steps to overcome the issue:

1.    Decommission nodes from all clusters DDS, DF, ADM and VBD.
2.    Stop all servers. 
3.    Delete cassandra, cassandra_data and cassandra.<time> directories.
4.    Start one server at once and all the services are up.
5.    Add the node to DDS and DF cluster, wait for it to joins successfully. Same steps performed on node2. 

​Also, check the logs to see if any errors and failure occurred during above operation. These steps did not result in any DSM related errors and Data Flow execution completed successfully.

Published September 15, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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