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Support Article

Declare expr. "Unable to digest declarative reference" in log



Even if the application is working as expected the PegaRULES log files are showing many times the same error: "Unable to digest declarative reference".

Error Messages

"Unable to digest declarative reference; unable to obtain Property ".MyInsParam" for class PegaSample-FW-Data-App- in reference"

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new case
  2. Enter Amount to start declarative network
  3. Error generated on the PegaRULES logs.

Root Cause

When a harness uses properties that involves declare expressions it calls a design time API (in the sense that it doesn't use any run time information) called InfEngUtils.getExpressionMetadata().
This API is designed to create the declarative network based on the information available at design time and in doing so is neglecting the case of polymorphism as in this case. The page class of “ExampleData” property is ‘…App-Test’ runtime but is ‘…App-’ design time.


A local change has been implemented. After having SAVE-AS the “ExampleData” property at “App-“ level, the error on PegaRULES log files has been generated anymore.

Also this is a feature gap and would definitely revisit in future releases. This is why an enhancement request has been created (FDBK-10343), in order for this gap to be solved in future releases of our product.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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