Support Article
Dirty popup behavior is inconsistent
In a screen dirty modal displays as a window alert and in another screen the modal dialog displays. This occurs in the Chrome browser.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
Not Applicable
Root Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules :
The issue occurred because the below code was used in closeWork API in pzpega_ui_doc_lifecycle js
event = event == undefined ? window.event : event;
window.event does not display in some cases in Chrome due to which a browser alert is displayed.
Chrome (Non-working):
Internet Explorer(working):
Perform the following local-change:
In the UserWorkForm, override pega.u.d.isFormDirty as below,
pega.u.d.isFormDirty = function(bPrompt, fromCloseWork, ev, onlyMdcDocs) {
ev = ev || {}; added this extra line in overriden function ....
Published December 4, 2018 - Updated October 8, 2020
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