Support Article
Display of Case Stages is not working as expected
When showing the case stages, the already visited stages are shown in green and yet to be completed/ unvisited stages are shown as white. Suppose at a particular stage, if the design is to route a case back to an already visited stage, then the requirement is to show the AFTER stages of the new current stage as incomplete/unvisited or in a different color.
Suppose if there are 1 2 3 4 5 6 stages. A case has reached till 5th stage and then on not meeting some condition if the design is to move the case back to the 2nd stage then the requirement is to show 3, 4 and 5 stages as incomplete/unvisited or in a different color.
In the current design, one can distinguish case stages as visited/unvisited.
User requires to know if it is feasible to achieve the requirement.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
Design a Case with a scenario where users would jump from a later stage to a previous stage.
Root Cause
A user requirement to show case stages in a different manner.
Perform the following local-change:
“Color of Stages is displayed based on the value of ‘pyStageStatus’ of D_CaseStages datapage results in pyStageName Section which is an ‘Available’ rule. D_CaseStages calculates ‘pyStageStatus’ value based on the pxStageHistory of the work object. If case has passed through a stage it’s pxCompletedStageTime will get a value.
Override pyStageName Section and add more conditions to the existing visibility condition of the dynamic layout.
D_CaseStages is an available Data page at thread level. Add an Post Load Processing Activity and set the value of pyStageStatus by looping through the results conditionally.”
Here are the details.
1. Create a post-load processing activity to give the “in-between” stages a new status when you jump from an active stage to a past stage. In sample it is named as “ChangeStatus”.
2. Here are the steps of the “ChangeStatus” activity.
3. And here’s another change in the section “pyStageName”. To give a new style to the new stage status, “P1” in this case.
Published July 23, 2018 - Updated October 8, 2020
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