Support Article
Double click not working on Report definition
Able to open the work item in first attempt but double click does not work on Report definition when attempting to open work items from the report results for second time. Double click works for the first attempt but doesn't work after that.
Error Messages
No error message.
Steps to Reproduce
Create a report definition
Run it and perform double click to open any work object.
Work object from the Report Definition opens for a single click. This is the intended behaviour.
Double click takes two consecutive single clicks on the same work object which will not only open the work object but also another pop up saying the specified work object is already open.
In the hotfix we are differentiating if the user did a single click or double click.
This issue is resolved by hotfix item "HFix-20107".
Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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