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Support Article

Error on opening a node configured in System Management App



Error occurs on opening a node which is configured in System Management Application (SMA).

Error Messages

00000163 DefaultDispat E org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.DefaultDispatcherErrorHandler error Exception occurred during processing request: Method "executeWithoutValidation" failed for object com.pega.jmx.ui.action.AuthenticateAction@8d83a597
ognl.MethodFailedException: Method "executeWithoutValidation" failed for object com.pega.jmx.ui.action.AuthenticateAction@8d83a597 [java.lang.LinkageError: loading constraint violation when resolving method "com/ibm/websphere/management/AdminClient.queryNames(Ljavax/management/ObjectName;Ljavax/management/QueryExp;)Ljava/util/Set;" : loader "com/ibm/ws/classloader/CompoundClassLoader@fe9c831" of class "com/pega/jmx/connection/managenodes/WASRemoteMBeanServerConnection" and loader "org/eclipse/osgi/internal/baseadaptor/DefaultClassLoader@ba59c211" of class "com/ibm/websphere/management/AdminClient" have different types for the method signature]

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log in to the application
  2. Configure three JVMs, JVM1, JVM2, and JVM3
  3. Install SMA in JVM1
  4. Connect to JVM 2 and JVM3 through remote connection
  5. Open the node configured in SMA

Root Cause

A software use or operation error.


Perform the following local-change:

  1. Undeploy the SMA Ear from the environment
  2. Manually deploy the WAR file using the Websphere console 


Published August 24, 2018 - Updated October 8, 2020

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