Support Article
Excel Data does not generate results as defined in property mode
Unable to filter column values, based on the property type (DateTime or Date) defined in the system, in the Excel file generated using MSOGenerateExcelFile activity.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a Report Definition to include a DateTime property.
- Create an SQL function to format the DateTime property into mm/dd/yyyy (which is recognized by Excel).
- Create a binary file of type xlsx.
- Map the pyDateValue property (to store the converted DateTime property) in the binary file.
- Use MSOGenerateExcelFile activity to retrieve the exported xlsx file.
Root Cause
This behavior is as per Pega product design. The MSOGenerateExcelFile activity, by default, formats any type of property to text. The activity converts the data to XML format ignoring any other type of formatting.
An enhancement request FDBK-21779 , has been created for consideration by Pega Product Management.Published October 17, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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