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Support Article

Excessive browser memory usage with CSR/CSI application



Browser memory leak observed whilst wrapping interactions in Customer Service for Insurance 7.1.3 (CSI) application.

This issue has been observed using latest version of Chrome browser. The browser memory spikes up for every interaction creation and wrap-up.

The used memory keeps growing and after some hour of usage the user's workstations become slow. The only solution is to restart the browser. FIrefox browser is affected as well even to a lesser extent.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Launch the Customer process Manager (CPM) 7 CustomerServiceInsurance Portal using Chrome browser.
  2. Create inbound call interaction (New > Inbound Call - Song - Auto).
  3. Wrap up the call.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 ten times.
  5. Through out the process observe the Chrome memory using Chrome task manager.
  6. Observe there are objects (PegaGadget iframes) from previous tabs that are still present in the page Data Object modelling (DOM).

Root Cause

A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules: Several JavaScript Event Listeners (EL) are not being unregistered correctly on interaction wrap-up.

This leaves unwanted DOM references that prevent the browser Garbage Collector to effectively free the browser memory.


Apply HFix-30782 and CPM HFix-23472

Published February 14, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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