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Support Article

Field level errors do not display in the table on Pagination



Field level errors or error icons do not display in the grid when navigating across pages of a table through Pagination.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a section and add a table for a Clipboard page list to display.
  2. Add Pagination to the table to display one row per page.
  3. Add various fields in the table.
  4. To validate the table fields, add a Validation rule in the flow action.
  5. Click Next on a screen flow. Field level error displays across the pages.
  6. Navigate to the second page on the grid. The screen is refreshed and field errors do not display.

Root Cause

The user wanted to keep the error Visible even though Pagination occurred. During Pagination, the grid gets refreshed and the row elements are updated from the server side as part of the Ajax response. If any element has an error message in the field level, then the error message will display after Pagination.


Perform the following local-change:

For a grid during pagination, to retain validation messages in field level, call an activity during the pre-grid update.

Perform the operation by following the below steps. 
  1. Click Grid properties.
  2. Navigate to Operations > Advanced. Check the Run activity before Grid Update.
  3. Open the pyPreGridUpdate activity of the Baseclass and save it to the Section ruleset, row class ruleset, and Code-Pega-List
  4. In Step 10 (Implementation step for Paginate), specify the Validation logic such as calling the Obj-Validate and invoke the Validation rule.

Published August 15, 2019 - Updated December 2, 2021

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