Support Article
File Listener is processing an incomplete file
File Listener processes a file that is not uploaded completely.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
SFTP a large file to the file listener source directory with a file name that the file listener mask can pick up.
Root Cause
A third-party product issue.
Make the following change to the operating environment:
- Create the file with a name that is different from what the listener expects.
For example, when the listener searches for <file pattern>.txt, create the file with <file pattern>.tmp (or any other other pattern that will work for the use case and ensure that it is excluded from the listener pattern).
- Rename the file as soon as the file completes writing out.
Manipulate the permissions on the file as below:
- Create the file with permissions that do not allow the file listener to see the file.
- Change the permissions to expose the file when complete.
Published May 2, 2019 - Updated October 8, 2020
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