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Support Article

Filtering does not work on .pyResolvedTime property



In a ListView when pagination is enabled with SortMode as Allpages. Filtering the property .pyResolvedTime property gives inconsistent result.

Error Messages


Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a ListView using the property pyResolvedTime.
2. Enable pagination with Sort mode as All Pages.
3. Run the report and check the filtering options.

Root Cause

The pyResolvedTime property is of type Decimal property which uses the controls ElapsedSeconds to format the decimal values to days.
When filter is applied, it fires a database query, and if the condition provided is pyResolvedTime >= 2, it is interpreting 2 as Decimal value and compares with database values, i.e., before applying the format control and gets the set of values on Decimal resultant values and then it formats again.


To make filtering work we need to remove the format out of the .pyResolvedTime property.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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