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Support Article

Frozen Screen in IE11 & Chrome on pega user portal



Closing of the case is resulting in blank screen & screen freeze. After performing search using the deprecated control FindWork, when tried to close the case, screen freezes.

Error Messages

JS Exception: Permission Denied

Steps to Reproduce

1) Use FindWork search gadget and search for a case.
2) Observe a Permission Denied error in the logs/console.
3) Once the case is opened, try closing it.
4) Screen freezes without any intimation.


Root Cause

Usage of deprecated control is causing the issue. Requested to update the control and perform work-indexing.


Requested developers to update the control and perform work-indexing. As a temporary work-around suggested the below code to be placed in UserWorkForm.

$( document ).ready(function() { 

pega.util.Event.getListeners = function(el, sType) { 
var results=[], searchLists
if (!sType) { 
searchLists = [listeners, unloadListeners]; 
} else if (sType === "unload") { 
searchLists = [unloadListeners]; 
} else { 
searchLists = [listeners]; 

var oEl = (pega.lang.isString(el)) ? this.getEl(el) : el; 

for (var j=0;j<searchLists.length; j=j+1) { 
var searchList = searchLists[j]; 
if (searchList) { 
for (var i=0,len=searchList.length; i<len ; ++i) { 
var l = searchList[i]; 
if ( l && l[this.EL] === oEl && 
(!sType || sType === l[this.TYPE]) ) { 
type: l[this.TYPE], 
fn: l[this.FN], 
obj: l[this.OBJ], 
adjust: l[this.OVERRIDE], 
scope: l[this.ADJ_SCOPE], 
index: i 

return (results.length) ? results : null; 


Published April 23, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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